Getting the Facts Straight on Zika in Puerto Rico
By Clarisa Jimenez Op-Ed Contributor “Ground Zero?” “Pandemic?” “Hundreds of thousands of cases of Zika virus in Puerto Rico this year?” “Puerto Rico is not prepared!” None of the statements above reflect the situation on the ground in Puerto Rico. […]
Thinking Beyond Caribbean Climate
By Ryan Peterson CJ Contributor No, we are not talking about climate change and the disruptive effects of increased temperatures, sea level rise, coastal erosion, ocean pollution and acidification, nor the loss of biodiversity, water scarcity, and the increased frequency […]
How to Create Prosperity in Jamaica
By Dennis Chung CJ Contributor In order to secure power (spillover from the colonial system), both political parties in Jamaica, when they formed government, set about creating institutional loyalties, using the state bodies and security forces to cement their hold […]
Jamaica's New Parliament
By Marcia Forbes, PhD CJ Contributor Fresh-faced Senators so Far It’s been a whirlwind of activities in Jamaica over the past two weeks in particular. National Elections came and went and a new 43 year old Prime Minister with his […]