
The Caribbean Response to Brexit

Caribbean Brexit Response

Caribbean Leaders Weigh-in on Brexit By Marcia Forbes, Ph.D. CJ Contributor Brexit is not Cricket  Business people often have a different point of view from academics; however, at the UWI forum regarding Brexit and its implications for the Caribbean, everyone […]

Brexit and the Caribbean

Brexit Caribbean

Examining the Brexit’s impact on the Caribbean By Marcia Forbes, PhD CJ Contributor Is Britain Working to Unbalance Europe? It is all moving so fast in the United Kingdom one can barely keep up. Many adjusted their schedules so as […]

The Caribbean Water Problem

Caribbean Water Problem

Solving the Caribbean Water Problem By Keith White CJ Contributor As the drought within the Caribbean wears on, countries in the region face great risk, as their tourism-based economies rely heavily on clean, sustainable water sources – and that doesn’t […]

Is It Time for a Caribbean Stock Exchange?

Caribbean Stock Exchange

Is it time for a regional stock exchange in the Caribbean? By Marcia Forbes, PhD CJ Contributor Jamaica’s Junior Stock Market Punching above its Weight As its General Manager, Marlene Street-Forrest can take kudos for the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) […]

A New Kind of Leadership in Jamaica

Jamaica Leadership

By Dennis Chung CJ Contributor A book I am reading called “Superforecasting” looks at the way in which people go about making forecasts, and draws some conclusions why some people – a select few – are consistently more accurate than […]

A Vision for Aruban Hospitality

Aruba's Hotel Vision

By Otmar Oduber Op-Ed Contributor Our Aruban Government is promoting a policy to foster a balanced portfolio of on-island accommodations. The rationale for this policy, which will impact the future of the destination’s all-inclusive sector, is simple and imperative: Tourism […]

Muhammad Ali and Jamaica

muhammad ali

Jamaica’s love affair with the Greatest. By David Rowe CJ Contributor Jamaicans first embraced then-Cassius Clay in 1964 after listening to his upset victory over the champion Sonny Liston on rediffusion radio. He was then young and brash and declared […]

How Aruba’s Strong Tourism Growth Can Get Even Stronger

By John Grant Op-Ed Contributor It’s no secret that the Caribbean is known for its tourism, and Aruba is no exception. In fact, 75 percent of Aruba’s GDP is from tourism dollars alone. However, with the U.S. lifting sanctions on […]

Maximizing Jamaica’s Potential

jamaica full potential

AS I listened to the Planning Institute of Jamaica’s recent review of the Jamaican economy, I thought to myself that we have become a nation that is too used to mediocrity. The PIOJ estimated that the Jamaican economy grew by 0.9 […]

Doing Business in the Caribbean 2016

By Paul Hay CJ Contributor Doing Business 2016: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency is the 13th in the long-standing series of co-publications by the World Bank and International Financial Corporation (IFC). This annual report on the ease in doing business […]

Education in the Caribbean

By Nancy George Op-Ed Contributor The very good news for Caribbean education is that the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD) has agreed that 2016 is the time to craft a Regional Strategic Action Plan that […]

Jamaica’s Growth Agenda

By Dennis Chung CJ Contributor Jamaica’s government has placed growth at the front of its priorities. Since political independence, in 1962, we have only seen growth of any significance in the period 1962 to 1972, and then about three years […]