rum awards


Rum Journal: The Rum Awards 2014

RUM IS more than a drink. It is the spirit of the Caribbean. It represents the sweetness of the region; its history; its courage and its romance. And rum is a way to take the Caribbean with you, wherever you […]


Rum Journal: Brazil's Oronoco

YOU MAY RECOGNIZE the name Oronoco from our 2012 Rum Awards, when Rum Journal gave Oronoco the “Bottle Design of the Year” award. But this white rum, grown from Brazilian sugarcane, is not just a pretty face. Brazil is known […]


Rum Journal: The Rum Awards 2012

IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR— award season. When we look back on 2012, it was a strong year for rum across the Caribbean, from Barbados to Martinique, the Dominican Republic to Guyana, and everywhere in between. Rum Journal traveled across […]