Search Result for: final

1015 results found.

Jamaica Bar Association President Calls For Shift to Caribbean Court of Justice

Ian Wilkinson, the president of the Jamaica Bar Association, described calls for a domestic final court of appeal in Jamaica “a retrograde step,” saying that it was time for the country to sign on to the Caribbean Court of Justice […]

Manatt Commission Set to Report May 16

Lawyers in the Manatt-Dudus Commission of Enquiry in Jamaica made their final submissions yesterday as the commission prepares to present its report by the May 16 deadline. The report centers on two main questions — whether the extradition of Christopher […]

Editorial: A New Destiny for Haiti?

Above: Michel Martelly A Caribbean Journal Editorial Haiti has always been surrounded by volatility, a frequent, unfortunate victim in the Caribbean sea – all too often abused, both by its own leaders, and those from abroad. Its former dictator, Francois […]

Interview with Damien Cave, the New York Times’ Caribbean Correspondent

Damien Cave covers Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean for the New York Times based out of Mexico City. Cave has told the stories of some of the world’s most challenging events, from the war in Iraq to the earthquake […]

Jamaica Set to Vote on Charter of Rights

After nearly three decades, the Jamaican Parliament will vote today on the Charter of Rights Bill, which would replace Chapter Three of the Jamaican Constitution, which protects “Fundamental Rights and Freedoms.” In order to pass, the bill, which saw its […]

New Ferry Connects Bimini, Miami

A new 450-passenger ferry will bring passengers between Miami and Bimini in the Bahamas, with service set for launch in June. The ferry, operated by Balearia Ferry Group out of Spain, will take approximately one hour and a half, and […]

Interview with Bahamas Tourism Minister Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace

The Hon. Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace is the Bahamas’ Minister of Tourism and Aviation. After a global financial crisis that hit the tourism industry, and the Caribbean, rather severely, Vanderpool Wallace has moved to bring the Bahamas’ integral tourism sector forward. He […]


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