The best Jamaica resorts set the standard for the Caribbean travel experience; since the dawn of the jet-set age, Jamaica has been a haven for rarefied, elegant, character-filled hospitality, and that’s even more true today.
Few islands boast as diverse and fascinating a hotel product as Jamaica, from its all-inclusive stays to its classic beach resorts to its hidden-away boutique hotels — and everything in between.
While Jamaica continues to evolve as a destination, what hasn’t changed is its enviable, remarkable and unique take on the Caribbean vacation experience.
Here are our favorite Jamaica resorts for your 2020 trip to the island.

Half Moon The Grande Dame of Jamaica resorts, Half Moon is about as iconic a hotel as there is in the Caribbean, a luxurious, opulent hotel where the service is bold and brilliant and the ambience is serene. But Half Moon will have a particularly interesting 2020 with the debut of its new standalone resort, the 57-room Eclipse at Half Moon, a Half Moon for the 21st century — and it’s as exciting a hotel as has come to Jamaica in years. And while that resort makes its debut in March, the original resort (whose guests have included the Queen) is just about the pinnacle of lovely.