We all dream of the Crusoe life, the castaway fantasy, the true escape from the real world.
In the Caribbean, that means owning your own private island.
And while there aren’t multitudes of private islands on the block in the region, they can still be found, from tiny islets to large islands better for resort developments.
And the reality is that they can often be had for less than a large home in Connecticut.
Like, for example, the island of Prince Cay, a 9-acre private island in the Abacos chain of the Bahamas.
The island is home to white sandy beaches and dazzling turquoise waters, two miles to the west of Spanish Cay, which has a 5,000-foot airstrip and customs port.
It’s also just 15 miles from Treasure Cay Airport.
That means that it has the convenience you want — when you’re not busy escaping the world.
The island is listed for $1.75 million with John Christie of the Bahamas’ HG Christie real estate firm.
The property is a classic Caribbean island, Crusoe style, full of possibilities.