Sipping in San Juan after dark
By Sarah Greaves-Gabbadon
CJ Travel Editor
In Isla Verde, San Juan’s Intercontinental hotel offers conveniences for every type of visitor: Leisure travelers will appreciate the beachfront location and full resort amenities.
Its prime position, less than 10 minutes drive from the capital’s financial district, makes it ideal for business travelers. And being 10 minutes from the airport has universal appeal. So do the signature cocktails at the hotel’s Akua bar.
Named for the tiny tree frog known for its nighttime serenade, this award-winning riff on Puerto Rico’s national drink, the pina colada, and the traditional old fashioned, offers an island-inspired way to warm up as mainland temperatures cool down.
Intercontinental San Juan’s Coqui Nightcap
2 ounces Bacardi 8
1 ounce coconut water
1 ounce pineapple juice or pineapple syrup
two drops cardamom bitters
hickory smoke syrup
toasted coconut shavings for garnish
In a mixing glass, stir together coconut water, pineapple juice/syrup and bitters. Add rum. Add ice and stir gently until desired dilution is achieved (around 10 seconds). Garnish the rim of an old fashioned glass with coconut shavings, and add ice. Pour cocktail over ice and mist with hickory smoke syrup. Salud!