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Interview with Jamaican Minister of National Security Peter Bunting

By Alexander Britell GRENADA – The seventh UK-Caribbean Forum that met in Grenada earlier this month looked at a range of areas of cooperation as the Caribbean and the UK open up a “new and more modern relationship” going forward. […]

St Lucia PM Holds Business Talks

Above: St Lucia Prime Minister Dr Kenny Anthony By the Caribbean Journal staff St Lucian Prime Minister Dr Kenny Anthony held talks with the country’s Chamber of Commerce yesterday aimed at improving the environment for the ease of doing business […]

Jamaica: “Nothing Off the Table” with IMF

Above, from left: IMF Caribbean Regional Director, Luis Breuer; IMF Resident Representative, Dr Gene Leon, Financial Secretary Dr Wesley Hughes and Finance Minister Dr Peter Phillips (JIS Photo) By the Caribbean Journal staff Following the International Monetary Fund’s visit to […]

In Jamaica, Effecting Change by Returning to Reggae’s Roots

Above: Damion Crawford, State Minister for Tourism and Entertainment By the Caribbean Journal staff Reggae must once again play a role in effecting change in society, according to Damion Crawford, Jamaica State Minister for Tourism and Entertainment. “The music needs […]

IMF: St Kitts and Nevis Outlook “Favourable,” September Targets Met

By the Caribbean Journal staff The International Monetary Fund’s Executive Board has completed its first review of St Kitts and Nevis’ economic performance under a 36-month Stand-by Arrangement. The completion of the review allows the immediate disbursement of $17.6 million, […]

Marcia Forbes: The Digicel-LIME Battle Continues in Jamaica

By Marcia Forbes PhD CJ Contributor Last week saw sparks flying between Digicel and LIME, Jamaica’s two telecom providers.  There is nothing unusual about this.  Over Christmas 2008, a full three years ago, as then Permanent Secretary in the Ministry […]

OAS Appoints Canadian as New Special Representative in Haiti

Above: the OAS’ headquarters in Washington By the Caribbean Journal staff OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza announced today that Canadian Frederic Bolduc had been appointed the the organization’s new Special Representative in Haiti. “The OAS is willing to continue […]

Japan to Help Bahamas on Fiscal Policy

Above: State Minister Zhivargo Laing, IDB representative Astrid Wynter. From left, Honorary Consul-General of Japan Robert Sands and Ambassador Hiroshi Yamaguchi. (BIS Photo/Kristaan Ingraham) By the Caribbean Journal staff The Bahamas and Japan have signed a $612,000 technical cooperation agreement […]

Op-Ed: Challenges Ahead for Jamaica

Above: Jamaica House By Garnett Ankle Op-Ed Contributor In Jamaica, whenever a new prime minister is inaugurated, it always gives me a sense of hope for the future of the island nation. The return to office of Portia Simpson Miller […]

Guyanese Cricket Looks to Regroup

Above: Guyana’s national stadium (Photo: GINA) By the Caribbean Journal staff Guyanese Sports Minister Dr Frank Anthony is leading the effort to resolve the cricketing issue in the country, looking to bring in all stakeholders to help with the newly-formed […]

UK Begins Montserrat Budget Review

By the Caribbean Journal staff The United Kingdom’s Department for International Development has begun reviewing Montserrat’s annual budget projections for 2012/2013. The DFID is looking at whether Montserrat has met its obligations in cutting spending and looking for ways to […]

St Lucia Ranks Highest in Caribbean for Economic Freedom: Report

By the Caribbean Journal staff St Lucia has the most economic freedom of any country in the Caribbean, according to a report released by the US-based Heritage Foundation in partnership with The Wall Street Journal. The 2012 Index of Economic […]

Interview with Marcia Forbes, PhD

By Alexander Britell One of Jamaica’s foremost media specialists, Dr Marcia Forbes has most recently been exploring the ways technology impacts Jamaican society and culture. Her first book, Music, Media & Adolescent Sexuality in Jamaica, looked at the ways traditional […]

UN Shifts Haiti Focus to Job Creation

A Haitian supervisor for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)’s “Cash for Work” initiative, who relies heavily on her job to feed an extended family, is seen performing her duties. (UN Photo/Sophia Paris) By the Caribbean Journal staff The allocation […]

Portia Simpson Miller Sworn in as New Jamaican Prime Minister

By the Caribbean Journal staff Portia Simpson Miller has been sworn in as the Prime Minister of Jamaica following a ceremony at Kingston’s King’s House this afternoon. “In our political history, it is a rare opportunity to be given a […]

In Barbados, a Push for Home Gardening

By the Caribbean Journal staff Continuing a Caribbean-wide push on agriculture, particularly organic farming, a Barbadian agronomist is urging citizens to focus on growing their own produce. “There are a lot of cost savings to be had when we don’t […]

Marcia Forbes: Jamaica Votes 2011 and the Women Who Ran

Above: MPs Sharon Ffolkes-Abrahams, Shahine Robinson and Denise Daley By Marcia Forbes, PhD CJ Contributor In the recently-concluded December 2011 national elections the two major political parties in Jamaica, the People’s National Party (PNP) and the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), […]

Interview with Attorney Derick Sylvester

Boxing Day in Grenada was the scene of high controversy, when Oscar Bartholomew, a Grenadian native who was visiting from Canada, died after an alleged incident involving the Royal Grenada Police Force. The police have launched an investigation into the […]

The Caribbean Year in Review

For the Caribbean, it was the Year of the Vote. By year’s end, five countries, Jamaica, Guyana, St Lucia and Haiti and the British Virgin Islands, will have chosen new leadership, with Jamaicans headed to the polls on Thursday. It […]

A New Dawn for Haiti Tourism?

Above: Cayes-Jacmel (Photo: HTO) By Maura R. O’Connor CJ Contributor When Dominican business entrepreneur Frank Ranieri wanted to get involved in tourism in the 1970s, he crossed the border into Haiti to see how it was done. “[Haiti’s tourism] was […]

Grenada to Host UN Climate Workshop

By the Caribbean Journal staff Grenada will host a United Nations environmental workshop next year, Environment Minister Joseph Gilbert announced. Grenada will be the first country in the western hemisphere to host such a meeting. “This workshop, which will be […]

Op-Ed: Civil Rights in Jamaica

By David P Rowe Op-Ed Contributor The United States, through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, legislated against racism in the workplace and the schoolhouse. The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution prevents the violation of equal protection under the […]

Interview with Jamaican Parliamentary Candidate Dr Dayton Campbell

By Alexander Britell Dr Dayton Campbell is the candidate for the North West St Ann seat in Jamaica’s Parliament for the People’s National Party. He is facing off against Othniel Lawrence of the Jamaica Labour Party in the election Dec. […]

Op-Ed: Jake Johnston on Humanitarian Aid in Haiti: Supply and Demand

Above: A woman sits in front of her home at a camp for persons displaced by the January 2010 earthquake in Port-au-Prince (UN Photo/Logan Abassi) By Jake Johnston Op-Ed Contributor 
 “Donors and aid organizations prefer to be the boss […]

How Caribbean Health Impacts Caribbean Economies: Interview with the World Bank

Above: the American University of Antigua School of Nursing By Alexander Britell Last month, the World Bank released a report about the way the growing problem of non-communicable diseases in the Caribbean is affecting the region’s economies. Chronic illnesses like […]

Private Jet Terminal, New Resort Projects Underway in St Kitts

By the Caribbean Journal staff Above: Christophe Harbour Construction is underway on a series of new projects in St Kitts, including a private jet terminal and the Kittitian Hill resort, according to Prime Minister Dr Denzil Douglas. The jet terminal […]

For Large-Scale Earthquake in Eastern Caribbean, a Question of When, Not If

By Alexander Britell Could the Caribbean experience another earthquake like the devastating one in Port-au-Prince in 2010? The answer is yes – and it could be even more powerful, according to Dr Joan Latchman, the director of the Seismic Research […]

Manufacturing Rebounds in St Kitts

By the Caribbean Journal staff Manufacturing is on the rebound in St Kitts and Nevis, according to Prime Minister Dr Denzil Douglas. After a 19.6 percent decline in 2009, the sector grew by 2.2 percent last year. “This is attributed […]


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