Search Result for: roy

1547 results found.

Inspirato’s Brian Corbett on Caribbean Travel and the Promise of Anguilla

Sheriva in Anguilla By Alexander Britell Luxury destination club Inspirato was founded in part by brothers Brent and Brad Handler, who also started Exclusive Resorts, the ultra high-end vacation club. The company is now in nine cities in the Americas […]

Haitian Schoolchildren Find an Unlikely Teacher: A Cruise Line

École Nouvelle Royal Caribbean Tourists have generally found their way to Haiti by way of the several cruise lines that dock on the country’s coastlines. Now, however, cruise lines are making their way onto land, and doing their part to […]

Branson to Create Lemur Habitat in BVI

Billionaire mogul Richard Branson plans to create a lemur habitat on an undeveloped island he owns, Moskito Island. The animals are disappearing from their native African habitat, and Branson plans on bringing the first group of 30 lemurs to the […]

OBMI’s Tim Peck Talks Scrub Island and Luxury Development

Tim Peck is the chairman of design firm OBMI and is the company’s former CEO for the Caribbean region. OBMI has long been a major player in the region, in master planning, resort design and development consulting. Peck, who makes […]

Minister Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace on Bahamian Tourism, Part 2

By Alexander Britell Earlier this month, we talked to Bahamas Minister of Tourism and Aviation Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace about what trends he had seen in the past few years for Bahamian tourism. We followed up with Minister Vanderpool-Wallace to find out […]

Interview with Bahamas Tourism Minister Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace

The Hon. Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace is the Bahamas’ Minister of Tourism and Aviation. After a global financial crisis that hit the tourism industry, and the Caribbean, rather severely, Vanderpool Wallace has moved to bring the Bahamas’ integral tourism sector forward. He […]


Caribbean Journal is the world’s largest website covering the Caribbean, with original content and video focusing on travel and tourism across the entire Caribbean Basin. Caribbean Journal is the global leader in covering Caribbean travel and trade news — from new flights to luxury […]


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