9 Little Caribbean Islands For Your Next Vacation
They’re hard to get to and harder to leave, where you fall in love the moment you land (or step off the boat). We all dream about these tiny places scattered across the Caribbean, with few people, few hotels and infinite tranquility.
We’ve gathered some of our favorite minuscule destinations in the Caribbean for your holiday planning, with a range of “little” islands as far north as The Bahamas and as far south as the edge of the Caribbean Sea.
None of them can be reached directly; they all require either a second flight or a boat ride from the “mainland.” But journeys like these always reward travelers.
Here are 9 “little” Caribbean islands for your imminent Caribbean getaway.
Green Turtle Cay, The Bahamas It’s a short ferry ride from the “mainland” of Great Abaco: Green Turtle Cay, less than 1.5 square miles and long one of the best-kept secrets in The Bahamas. There are beautiful beaches, a pair of lovely hotels (The Bluff House and the Green Turtle Club) and a colorful town called New Plymouth with rich history — including the birthplace of the Goombay Smash.