Above: Stuart’s Conch Stand in Bimini (all photos by CJ)
By Robert DiPano
CJ Contributor
BIMINI — It is no secret that Bimini’s waters are abundant with seafood, delighting local sport fishermen and foodies alike.
Fabian Stuart, owner of Stuart’s Conch Stand, realized this over 30 years ago and continues to serve up some of the freshest conch and lobster in the Bahamas.
Located in Bailey Town, Stuart’s purports to offer the best conch salad in Bimini — and we don’t disagree.
The amount of empty shells piled behind his stand further supports this contention.
Stuart’s also has its own ringed-off conch nursery just offshore.
Stuart’s serves a traditional Bahamian-style conch and lobster salad, mixed with fresh tomato, onion, bell pepper, lime, and seasonings.
Add some homemade hot sauce, crack open an ice cold Kalik, and enjoy the view.