world bank


A Big Boost for Caribbean Conservation

Above: Grenada (CJ Photo) By the Caribbean Journal staff The Caribbean Biodiversity Fund will be receiving a $7.2 million contribution from the Global Environmental Facility through the World Bank. The funding will promote the “conservation, protection, management and expansion of […]


Ranking the Caribbean on Logistics

Above: Nassau (CJ Photo) By the Caribbean Journal staff Which countries in the Caribbean have the best logistics performance? To find out, CJ looked at the recently-released Logistics Performance Index from the World Bank, a benchmarking tool which was created […]


Ranking the Caribbean on Projected Economic Growth in 2014

Above: St Vincent and the Grenadines (CJ Photo) By the Caribbean Journal staff The World Bank released its mid-year Global Economic Prospects report on Tuesday evening, which included its updated growth projections for the Caribbean. Regionally, the Bank said growth […]


Ranking the Caribbean on Internet Use

Above: St Kitts (CJ Photo) By the Caribbean Journal staff Which Caribbean countries use internet the most? We took a look at the recently-released World Development Indicators report, which we used in last week’s story on mobile phone use in […]

Jamaica Finalizing $50 Million "Growth and Competitiveness" Project

Above: Industry, Investment and Commerce Minister Anthony Hylton By the Caribbean Journal staff Jamaica’s government is currently in the midst of finalizing a $50 million “growth and competitiveness” project with the World Bank, according to Industry, Investment and Commerce Minister […]

Ranking the Caribbean on Cell Phone Use

Above: Grand Cayman (CJ Photo) By the Caribbean Journal staff Where do people use cell phones the most in the Caribbean? To find out, we looked at the most recent edition of the World Bank’s World Development Indicators report, which […]


Antigua and Barbuda Looking to Boost Green Businesses

Above: solar panels By the Caribbean Journal staff The Antigua and Barbuda Investment Authority is looking to encourage “green” businesses to capitalize on a new batch of available funding. The World-Bank-funded Caribbean Climate Innovation Centre is offering as much as […]

British Virgin Islands Joins Global Partnership For Oceans

Above: the British Virgin Islands By the Caribbean Journal staff The British Virgin Islands has officially joined the Global Partnership for Oceans. The territory joined the global organization at a ceremony at the United States Department of the Interior in […]

How Long Does It Take to Pay Business Taxes in the Caribbean?

Above: the Bahamas (CJ Photo) By the Caribbean Journal staff We continue our series on business in the Caribbean with a look at another important data set from the World Bank: how long it takes for a business to pay […]


World Bank Approves $130 Million Loan For Jamaica

Above: the World Bank By the Caribbean Journal staff The World Bank Board of Directors has approved a $130 million development policy loan for Jamaica. The loan aims to promote “economic stability, debt sustainability and improve competitiveness in Jamaica,” according […]

The Caribbean's Fastest and Slowest-Growing Populations

By the Caribbean Journal staff We continue our series on the World Bank’s Caribbean data by looking at another statistic: population growth. We’ve already looked at the Caribbean’s richest countries by GDP per capita, by population density, by life expectancy […]

The Best Caribbean Countries For Ease of Doing Business

Above: Puerto Rico (CJ Photo) By the Caribbean Journal staff Puerto Rico and St Lucia are the best places in the Caribbean for doing business, according to the World Bank’s annual Doing Business report, which ranks countries around the world […]