Is Haitian Politics a Pyramid Scheme?
The problem with politics in Haiti By Ilio Durandis CJ Contributor I have had some time to think and analyze Haitian politics, especially since the Fall of Duvalier. And one theme that keeps coming up is that of a pyramid […]
Rowe: Holness, Nine-Day Wonder?

Above: National Security Minister Sen. Dwight Nelson, Finance Minister Audley Shaw and Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness (Photo: OPM Jamaica) By David P Rowe Op-Ed Contributor In 1554, Lady Jane Grey was, for nine days, Queen of England before her […]
Forbes: Social Media & Politics in Jamaica

By Marcia Forbes, PhD US President Barack Obama became the virtual embodiment of successful use of social networks like YouTube, Twitter and the then-still-alive My Space by a politician. Today, every politician dreams of millions of Facebook friends and hundreds […]
Guyana's Hinds to Run Again as PM

Above: Samuel Hinds and Donald Ramotar (Photo: GINA) By the Caribbean Journal staff Guyanese Prime Minister Samuel Hinds will stay on as the People’s Progressive Party candidate for Prime Minister in the upcoming election in November, Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar […]