marcia forbes

Forbes: Adele, Celine, Whitney and Why Their Melodies Make Us Cry

Above: Adele (Photo: Jelmer de Haas) By Marcia Forbes, PhD CJ Contributor After Celine Dion’s outstanding performance in Jamaica, I wanted to write something profound to explain why this almost-diminutive Canadian singer has won the hearts of so many Jamaicans, […]


Forbes: Living a Mobile Lifestyle

By Marcia Forbes, PhD CJ Contributor We’ve Come a Long Way! For one thing, mobile technology has moved way beyond the days of cumbersome, dumb mobile phones to small, sleek, savvy, smart phones with increasingly multi-functional capabilities, made possible by […]

How the Press (and Politicians) Embraced Social Media in Jamaica's Election

By Marcia Forbes, PhD CJ Contributor The 2011 general election in Jamaica saw the use of traditional and social media in ways never before experienced on that island. This was the first such election in that country since the coming […]

CJ Interviews

Interview with Marcia Forbes, PhD

By Alexander Britell One of Jamaica’s foremost media specialists, Dr Marcia Forbes has most recently been exploring the ways technology impacts Jamaican society and culture. Her first book, Music, Media & Adolescent Sexuality in Jamaica, looked at the ways traditional […]

Op-Ed: Marcia Forbes: Social Media – Much More Than a Joke

By Marcia Forbes, PhD It’s important to make the deadline for my book but I’m constantly being distracted.  This time it’s by the very subject on which I’m writing, social media.  Very early in the morning of Nov. 30, I […]

Forbes: The Power of Jamaica's 51 Percent

Above: Dr Leith Dunn (UWI Gender Studies), Mrs. Judith Wedderburn (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, FES), Her Excellency Mathu Joyini, High Commissioner, South África, Mrs. Lorna Green, founding member, Women Business Owners, Jamaica. By Marcia Forbes, PhD “The 51 Percent Coalition – […]

Forbes: Women and Politics in Jamaica

Above, from left: Jamaican Opposition Leader Portia Simpson Miller, MP Sharon Hay-Webster (JLP) and Culture Minister Olivia Grange By Marcia Forbes, PhD Op-Ed Contributor Patriarchy in Place The debate rages on around the world and is about to get really […]

Forbes: Social Media & Politics in Jamaica

By Marcia Forbes, PhD US President Barack Obama became the virtual embodiment of successful use of social networks like YouTube, Twitter and the then-still-alive My Space by a politician. Today, every politician dreams of millions of Facebook friends and hundreds […]

Marcia Forbes: Jamaica after Golding

By Marcia Forbes A Fractious Party The ruling Jamaica Labour Party is a political party that has experienced a fair share of internecine conflict driven by various factions and what some describe as “unbridled self-interests.” The 1999 “Gang of Five” […]