More and more hotels and destinations are looking to take their offerings virtual right now, with the current climate leading to a surge in “digital vacations.”
The latest to launch one is the legendary Lodge at Chaa Creek in Belize, which has revealed its new “Virtual Belize Vacation.”
And they’re doing it in a different way — by getting travelers not just to dream, but to learn.
“Travel restrictions, business closures and other measures currently in place to fight the Coronavirus pandemic will pass. And preparing for your Belize vacation now will help you and your family enjoy it to the fullest when you finally are able to visit us,” said Denise Duran, a spokesperson for the resort.
“An added bonus is that you’ll begin enjoying a Chaa Creek learning adventure together right now, in the comfort of your own home,” she said.
While many properties have launched virtual vacations with video, Chaa Creek is looking for a more interactive, educational approach, with a focus on six steps: Explore, Plan, Learn, Prepare, Outfit and developing an itinerary.
That could mean giving each member of a family a different aspect of the vacation destination to learn about, from the land to the people to the culture of Belize.
Now, while putting a plan in place, everyone can start learning about more specific activities and places. For example, many people discover that Belize is one of the world’s top birding spots, and they develop a lifelong love of birding here. So, this would be a good time to learn more about birds and birding resources. Or maybe learn about Belize’s ancient Maya civilisation to make visits to the Maya temples come alive,” Duran said.
The resort has also put its “vacation planning” service to work, letting travelers work with the property’s team of Adventure Planners to learn more about the destination.
“Chaa Creek’s owners, managers and staff look forward to welcoming guests again as soon as possible. Until then, please stay safe, and remember; we’re all in this together,” Duran said.
For more, visit Chaa Creek.
— CJ
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