Another Hollywood production is coming to Puerto Rico.
The new John Travolta-led film, Speed Kills, will be filming on the island, according to Governor Ricardo Rossello.
Speed Kills is the story of Don Aronow, a designer, runner and manufacturer of high-speed cigarette boats that who had an immeasurable influence on nautical design.
“The Puerto Rican film industry, its human talent, its technicians, production staff and all its members have demonstrated their commitment, professionalism and dedication in recent years,” Rossello said. “Thanks to them, film production has unquestionably become one of the main engines with the most potential for economic development in Puerto Rico. As a result of all this effort, today I am pleased to announce the start of production on Speed Kills Island, starring Oscar nominee John Travolta.”
The film, directed by John Luessenhop, will have a budget of around $22 million and will create 633 direct jobs on the island with a Puerto Rican co-production.
“We want highly-trained Puerto Rican entrepreneurs to collaborate with this multi-million dollar production. We are confident that the development and success of these will create the confidence to reinvest in the film industry itself,” the governor said. “In addition, being part of the United States undoubtedly positions us to have the confidence of Hollywood and international productions.”
Puerto Rico has become the Caribbean’s largest film and television production hubs in recent years, attracting production from TV series like NBC’s Crossbones and Homeland and films like the Ben Affleck-led Runner Runner.
“We have taken affirmative steps to make Puerto Rico an investment destination for the film industry. With the Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), Enterprise Puerto Rico, an interactive asset map, and an incentive code that promotes productivity, value added is created for these incentives to have a return on investment For the People of Puerto Rico and generate good jobs in a sustainable way,” said Manuel Laboy, Secretary of Economic Development and Commerce..