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A New Dessert Recipe from Trinidad

The holidays flew by in a blink of an eye and here we are in the New Year, and a new year brings new food trends. Carefully curated, sustainable foods are predicted to take 2017 by storm. Another food trend that I’m particularly looking forward to in 2017 is the transformation of desserts.  Hybrid and ‘extreme’ desserts are becoming more popular, often times becoming the highlight of the meal. These ‘extreme’ desserts are a combination of ingredients and toppings crafted into one extravagant and decadent creation that is more complex, leaving the palette excited for more. So, if your New Year’s resolution didn’t involve giving up sweets, you’re in for a real treat.

The Caribbean is rich with vibrant and natural sweet flavors, which puts us at an advantage for creating sustainable and hybrid desserts. Naturally-occurring sweets such as tamarind, coconut, mango, guava and cacao can be found throughout Trinidad & Tobago, allowing us to create indulgent desserts with ingredients that can often times be found in our own backyard. At Hyatt Regency Trinidad, we source local produce and products as much as possible. We are at an advantage with so many fresh fruits and vegetables at our immediate disposal.

Here is one of my favorite decadent desserts that will be featured at Hyatt Trinidad during the first quarter of 2017:

Yogurt Panna Cotta

Oatmeal crunch, Vodka poached apricots, olive oil sponge, cucumber gelee and Vanilla Chantilly

Panna Cotta Ingredients:

1 cup Heavy cream

5 tbsp. Granulated Sugar

½ cup Plain yogurt

Zest of one orange

1 ½ tsp gelatin powder


Bloom gelatin.

Combine the heavy cream, sugar and orange zest in a sauce pan. Bring to a slight boil.

Add in Bloom gelatin and set aside.

Combine the yogurt to the mixture and then strain.

Pour mixture into mold place in chiller overnight. 

Cucumber Gelee Ingredients:

2/3 cup water

3 tbsp. granulated sugar

1 cup Cucumber juice

5 tsp lime juice

6 leaves gelatin

1 pinch salt


Bloom the gelatin and set aside.

Boil water and sugar until the sugar has dissolved.

Add the cucumber to the mix and remove from heat.

Add the lime juice and gelatin with a pinch of salt.

Olive oil micro Sponge Ingredients:

2 egg whites

1 egg yolk

¾ cup whole milk

1 cup sugar

¾ tsp salt

2 tbsp. canola oil

4 tbsp. olive oil

¾ cup all-purpose flour


Combine all ingredients.

Using a stick blender or a food processor, combine the ingredients to a smooth mixture and then strain to avoid any lumps.

Pour the mixture into a whip cream canister with No2 chargers, shake well and dispense from canister into microwavable coffee cups.

Cook in microwave for 40 seconds.

— Submitted by Hyatt Regency Trinidad’s executive chef Fernando Franco and his team, who are members of the 2016 ‘Caribbean National Team of the Year’ at Taste of the Caribbean in Miami.

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