Latin America, Caribbean Traffic Decline Continues for American Airlines
American Airlines Group continues to show a decline in traffic to Latin America and the Caribbean, according to the company’a latest numbers.
The airline saw a 6.7 percent decline in revenue passenger miles to Latin America and the Caribbean in October, with a total of 2.159 billion revenue passenger miles.
The carrier also saw an 8.6 percent decline in available seat miles in Latin America and the Caribbean, with 2.629 billion ASM in the same period.
For the year to date, revenue passenger miles to the region have seen a 3.7 percent reduction compared to the first 10 months of 2015, while ASM have seen a 4.2 percent decline.
Load factor to the region rose 1.7 percentage points to 82.1 last month, with a 0.4 percent increase for the year to date.
— Caribbean Journal Staff