The Nevis Mango and Food Festival kicks off Friday July 8, marking the start of a month of special events that will take guests around the island and feature dinners and cooking demonstrations by two special guest European chefs.
On July 8, Charlestown ‘s Main Street will host the Mango Madness Street Fair, at which guests will enjoy displays and sales of mango varieties and food products, cooking demonstrations and tastings, a presentation on how to graft mango trees and lots of music and entertainment.
That evening also begins a three-day dining event with a gourmet mango-themed dinner at Montpelier Plantation & Beach with U.K. Iron Chef Judy Joo.
As a Korean-American French-trained chef based in London, Chef Joo draws on her unique personal and professional experiences, melding tastes from Asia, America and Europe in her recipes.
On Saturday evening, renowned U.K. celebrity chef Natasha Corrett will prepare another thematic dinner held at Four Seasons Mango Restaurant.
Sunday afternoon, visitors will enjoy a Nevisian Chefs’ Mango Feast on Oualie Beach, where some of the island’s best chefs will prepare authentic local mango dishes.
That night will bring guests back to Mango Restaurant for dinner with Chef Julie Joo.