Saba is a small island, and it is not a haven for rum.
But if you come to this wonderful little island, an island that reminds of a Caribbean that no longer exists, you can still find great rum, if you dig a little deeper.
You see, tucked away in the island’s best hotel, the Queen’s Gardens Resort, is what is certainly Saba’s best bar — and, more importantly, a very good rum bar.
While the view alone would make this bar worthy of your visit, its rum selection wows: a nicely-curated selection of top rums and, more importantly, rhums agricoles.
The latter includes a wide selection of La Mauny rums from Martinique, topped off by the superb La Mauny 1998.
This is a terrific bar, the kind of bar that makes a great hotel even better.
And it is the best bar in Saba.
— CJ