Global consulting firm Landell Mills has completed a $1.4 million study of the Barbados sugar industry funded by the European Union.
The 18-month study, which began in Jan. 2010, contains recommendations for improving the productivity and efficiency of Barbados’ sugarcane industry.
The aim of what was an institutional review of Barbados’ sugar industry was to facilitate the transition of the industry into a more efficient, more profitable version.
Earlier this summer, Barbados’ government announced plans for a $102 million project aimed at diversifying the country’s sugar industry with bagasse, ethanol, special sugars and molasses, according to Sen. Darcy Boyce. [https://www.caribjournal.com2011/06/29/barbados-plans-200m-sugar-project/]
The study recommends the development of a food crop plan which, combined with revitalised sugar cane farming, would, in the view of the report, positively impact the financial position of the Barbados Agricultural Management Company.
The final report is expected by the end of this month.
–Barbados Information Service